Building Healthy Relationships

Do You Actually Love Your Neighbor as Much as You Love Yourself?
This law is often quoted as a slogan or soundbite, but when you open up Lev. 19 to read it in context, a more nuanced meaning emerges.
8 min

Why Does Honoring Our Parents Lead to Us Meriting a Long Life?
Only two commandments promise a reward of "long life": honoring parents and sending away a mother bird. What's the common denominator?
13 min

How to Heal A Broken Relationship
A loving relationship that has come apart can be unbearably painful. But repair is possible. The story of Rachel and Leah shows us how.
1 hour, 3 min

The Ultimate Parenting Guide: The Torah
Is there a parenting guide hidden in the Torah? In this 3-part series, Rabbi Fohrman shares what may just be the closest thing.
27 min

How Not to Raise A Spoiled Child
If your child views his allowance as Mannah from heaven, then skip this video. But if you are like most parents, this discussion on raising kids is not to be missed!
22 min

Why Does Man "Acquire" Woman?
Join Rabbi Fohrman as he confronts the Bible's strange formulation of marriage through a look at the very first married couple: Adam and Eve -- and along the way explore some of the most fundamental questions there are about love and marriage.
9 min

Eliezer and Samuel: Marriage Lessons Hidden in a Tale of Kingship
The Torah seems to connect Isaac’s search for a wife and the selection of one of Israel’s first national leaders. Why? What do marriage and kingship have in common? This video offers a novel idea about what makes nations rise and fall, and what makes marriages succeed or fail.
9 min

The Sons Of Isaac Reconcile
Jacob and Esau hadn’t seen each other for 20 years, ever since Jacob took their father’s blessings and Esau swore to kill him. Now they’re headed toward one another – Jacob with his family and his riches, and Esau with 400 of his henchmen. Watch this video for a new understanding of the encounter and to explore how vulnerability is a key ingredient to successful reconciliation.
13 min

Does Joseph Ever Truly Forgive His Brothers?
When you hurt someone, it’s not enough to just improve your character. Real transformation means being able to repair the damaged relationship as well. In the story of Joseph and his brothers, does real reconciliation actually happen? Join us in Parshat Miketz as we tackle the complicated story of the Sale of Joseph and learn how to truly reconcile relationships with those we love.
12 min

How God Breaks the Cycle of Abuse
Hidden in the Exodus story is a lesson on abusive relationships and how to break the traumatic cycle of abuse. In this intense podcast, join Rabbi David Fohrman & Beth Lesch as they tackle the difficult subject of abuse from all angles.
Part 1 of 2 • 38 min

What Nadav and Avihu's Deaths Teach Us About Respectful Relationships
Did you know that the Torah tells us Nadav and Avihu's "backstory"? Learn about the life-changing experience that led the sons of Aaron to their deaths – and avoid making the same mistake.
16 min

What Do Sacrificial Laws Teach Us About Social Justice?
The Torah teaches us social justice laws – leave some crops for the poor, etc. – right next to some laws relating to animal sacrifices. What's the connection between the two? Rabbi Fohrman argues that in this section of text, the Torah is doubling down on important principles – which can be found just as clearly in sacrifice as in social justice.
11 min

Holiness: Making Time and Space for Relationships
In Emor, we read laws about the kohanim and about the vessels in the mishkan . . . wait, again? And, sandwiched between them, we hear a list of holidays like Shabbat, Yom Kippur, and Pesach. Why not finish talking about the mishkan and then move on to holidays? The answer to that will illuminate a deep secret about our relationship with God, with practical significance in our everyday lives.
14 min
Restoring Broken Relationships: What Reuven, Gad, and Menashe Teach Us
By carefully examining the conversation between Moshe and the tribes, we can learn powerful insights into restoring broken relationships and fostering unity in our lives.
13 min

How the Reubenites and Gadites Rebuilt Trust In Their Negotiations
In this Matot-Masei parsha video, Rabbi Fohrman discusses the interesting conversation between the children of Gad, the children of Reuben and Moses, as they are requesting to live on the other side of the Jordan – not in the land of Israel proper. Rabbi Fohrman analyzes their exchange to get to the core of true communication – trust and respect.
13 min
Character Development & Middot

Focusing On Others: How Abraham Became The Father Of Faith
Why did God choose Abraham? What was so special about him? Through the stories in this parsha we can discover the central mission – and struggle – that his life revolved around.
14 min

Tzedek and Mishpat: What Was The Real Sin Of Sodom And Gomorrah?
All the great philosophers have offered their opinions about how to create the ideal society. What does the Torah say? Find out in this video, where Rabbi Fohrman reveals what the real sin of Sodom teaches us.
16 min

Intentionality: What Sarah’s Character Teaches Us About Living Our Best Life
You know those one or two elderly people you know who are so amazing, you think, “I want to be like that when I’m their age”? Sarah probably would have been one of them — and this parsha tells us how she got to be that way. This is a lesson that you’re going to want to hold on to.
5 min

Kindness for the Stranger: A Troubling Story of “Kindness”
One of the defining characteristics of Abraham and Sarah is their custom of doing extreme acts of kindness. Yet, upon closer inspection of the Biblical stories about them, they seem to do some very unkind things! Take the story of Hagar and her son Ishmael, for example. How can Abraham and Sarah kick them out of their home and send them into the desert? How should we understand this action, which seems so inconsistent with Abraham's and Sarah’s character? Join Rabbi Fohrman as he explores more deeply the actions of Abraham and Sarah. Surprisingly, his answers take us to another Biblical story, one that allows us to understand these actions and their repercussions generations later.
Part 1 of 2 • 10 min

Generosity Without Harm: Lot’s Fake Kindness
Parshat Vayera tells the story of visiting angels being graciously hosted, not once but twice! Abraham's hospitality is legendary, and Lot's welcoming the angels feels like a de ja vu...until things turn ugly. What went wrong? How could Lot's act of kindness to the angels end so disastrously? Join Rabbi David Fohrman and Ari Levisohn as they explore two very similar stories of hospitality and uncover the most important ingredient in true kindness.
29 min

Kindness Against The Grain: What Made Rebecca the Right Match for Isaac
Have you heard how Rebecca is chosen as Isaac’s wife? Well, did you know that – oddly – the Torah tells us that story twice... in a row? What, was God’s editor busy that day? Find out why the story bears repeating, what it teaches us, and whether Rebecca was the right match for Isaac.
12 min

Humility: What Can We Learn from Moses's Leadership?
The Torah describes Moses – he who stood up against God Himself – as the most humble man to walk to the earth. What? Join Rabbi Fohrman as he tries to understand Moses' humility and uncover his true greatness.
16 min

Authentic Tolerance: How to be Good Person According to the Bible
In Parshat Eikev, Moshe tells the nation exactly what God wants of us, but the prophet Micah makes a similar speech many generations later and exhorts the people very differently. Why? Rabbi Fohrman takes us into Micah's speech and explains the critical building blocks to being a good person.
Part 1 of 2 • 8 min

Empathy: Why Did God Choose Moses?
Everyone loves a good origin story – how did Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader? Who was Peter Parker before Spiderman? In this video for Parshat Shemot, we focus on Moses – what unique quality led him to be appointed by God? What character trait made Moses a hero?
13 min

Faith: Why Miriam Sang The Song Of The Sea
After crossing the Sea of Reeds, the nation of Israel sings a song of thanksgiving – but then Miriam leads the women in a second song. Why? In this video, Rabbi Fohrman uncovers a story about what it means to truly have faith.
14 min

Chutzpah: How Moshe was Brave Enough to Change God’s Will
Moshe’s negotiation with God in the aftermath of the Golden Calf is an extreme example of prayer changing God’s will. Moshe passionately argued with God over His decision to wipe out the Israelites, and shockingly, God listened. Where did Moshe get the chutzpah to tell God what to do – and why did God agree?
Part 1 of 2 • 12 min

Gratitude: What Does Dayenu Mean?
Singing Dayeinu: Would It Really Have Been Enough? What do the lyrics of Dayeinu song really mean?
1 hour, 21 min

Leadership: Can Leaders Make Mistakes?
In this video, we explore Rashi's puzzling comment, that a nation is lucky if it has a leader who brings a sacrifice for an accidental sin. Rabbi Fohrman contrasts the Torah's perspective of power and justice to the philosophy of Richard Nixon's famous line: "When the president does it, it is not illegal."
6 min

Humility in Consumption: The Real Meaning of Chametz
For some reason, the Torah prohibits us from bringing chametz with offerings on the altar. Isn't chametz about Passover? Why would it be prohibited on the altar?
15 min

Boundaries: What is Holiness According to the Torah?
Many of the laws in Parshat Kedoshim are not what we might expect to hear when we think of holiness. What happened to prayer and meditation? Why are we talking about crossbreeding animals? Is there any rhyme or reason to this list? And if we do find a way to understand all of these laws as fitting together, what do they teach us about holiness and how to achieve it?
15 min

The Perils of Creativity: Did God Really Need to Rest?
One of the most sacred traditions in Judaism is our weekly celebration of Shabbat, our “day of rest,” when we commemorate that God “rested” after His six days of creation. But wait–why would an omnipotent God need to rest? Yes, He created the universe – but He’s infinitely powerful! And why would we celebrate Shabbat by emulating the day God rested, not the mind-blowing six days of creation before it? What did God do on His day of rest that was so incredible?
Part 1 of 4 • 8 min

Pure Intentions: What the Nazir Teaches About Sincere Devotion
Rivky identifies intriguing parallels between the Nazir restrictions, priestly laws, and Korach’s rebellion, revealing how sincere intention shapes holiness.
Part 1 of 2 • 16 min

Turning Weaknesses Into Strengths: Lessons from Caleb and Joshua
Beth explores a series of parallels linking the tragic stories of the sale of Joseph in Genesis and the sin of the spies, in Numbers. The connections between the two stories illuminate how Caleb and Joshua turn ancestral flaws into a moment of heroism and strength.
Part 1 of 2 • 14 min

Cultivating Optimism: Lessons from the Spies' Report
In this video on Parshat Shelach, Rabbi Fohrman explores how the Israelites' response to the spies reveals the power of imagination in overcoming hopelessness.
7 min

Overcoming Biases: Lessons from Yitro and Balak
By examining Yitro's and Balak's contrasting responses to Israel's victories, we uncover how biases shape our reality, highlighting the importance of recognizing God's role and the danger of fear clouding our judgment.
15 min

Attitude of Gratitude: Explaining the Curses in Deuteronomy
In Deuteronomy, Moshe warns of curses for disobedience. By exploring the surprising echoes of the Garden of Eden in this final speech, we uncover nuanced lessons on overcoming our focus on what we lack.
Part 1 of 2 • 15 min

Healthy Self Reliance: Lessons from the Fiery Serpent
In Parshat Chukat, in response to Israel’s complaints about the manna, God sends poisonous snakes to attack them. That seems so cruel! What lesson can we learn from this divine punishment?
15 min
Cultivating Leadership Skills

Leadership and Partnership: Lessons from Yitro and the Garden of Eden
It wasn’t good for Moshe to judge alone. And it wasn’t good for Adam to be alone in the Garden. Coincidence? Explore how Yitro's wisdom and the partnership of Adam and Eve reveal the importance of humility in leadership and the need for trusted advisors to keep leaders grounded.
15 min

What is True Leadership?
In Parshat Pinchas, a seemingly random collection of stories comes together to reveal a profound lesson about leadership. As Moses nears the end of his journey, he imparts a lasting legacy to Joshua, teaching him what it truly means to lead.
13 min

When Leaders Make Mistakes
In this video, on Parshat Vayikra, Rabbi Fohrman explores the Torah’s take on leadership, humility, and how great leaders handle failure.
6 min

How to Empower Others: Insights for Leaders and Educators From the Genealogy in Numbers
In the often-overlooked genealogies, the Book of Numbers describes Aaron's children as Moses' "offspring." This phrasing highlights a profound lesson on how leaders can pass on their legacy while inspiring others to shape their own unique paths.
12 min

Shotrim: A Biblical Model for Leading with Humanity
Parshat Shoftim introduces the shotrim, a group of leaders with intriguing ties to Egypt. Examining their role reveals how true leaders uplift rather than oppress.
11 min

Courage to Rebel: What Does It Mean To Be a Rebel For God
The following podcast is a discussion between Rabbi Fohrman & his son Avichai. They sat down to learn some Talmud together and stumbled upon a mysterious discussion about Bat Paro, the daughter of Pharaoh. You know, the one who was bathing by the Nile when she saw baby Moses floating by in a box? Well, the Torah text doesn’t seem to tell us very much about Bat Paro, but the Talmud seem to know a lot more: they explain that, Bat Paro got married to Caleb (one of the spies from the story in Numbers 13-14). What did the Rabbis see in the Torah text that led them to this conclusion? The answer opens up a fascinating study about who Bat Paro really was, who Caleb really was, and why they were perfectly suited for one another. The following podcast ends off hinting toward a future area of study surrounding the spies, which ultimately became a future hit Tisha B'Av course: Tisha B'Av & The Spies: An Origin Story. Click here to take a look!
26 min
Connecting With God

Unlocking the Divine Mystery of Creation and Our Purpose
The Torah tells us about how the universe was created — light, darkness, sky, plants, animals, people — but it doesn’t tell us why. Why did God create the world, and human beings within it? What is our purpose on this earth?.
12 min
Seeing Good and Evil Through God’s Eyes
Beth Lesch uncovers intriguing parallels between the Garden of Eden and the Sin of the Spies in Deuteronomy, showing how these connections can guide us to align with God's perspective on good and evil.
15 min

Building an Intimate Relationship With God
While Parshat Ve’etchanan may seem to lack a coherent theme, Imu highlights repeated phrases to show how the parsha emphasizes how we can cultivate a genuine, two-way relationship with God.
16 min

Why God Wants Us To Thank Him
God afflicted the nation of Israel through the past 40 years of the desert, withholding food and water from them...on purpose? How can we have a relationship with a God like that?
16 min

Struggling With Faith
What Is Emunah? In this week's parsha, Moses accuses the nation of Israel of not having faith. What? The people know firsthand about all the miracles God has done for them, how could they struggle with their faith?
10 min

How to Love God
In this fascinating lecture, Rabbi Fohrman takes a look at the Shema prayer and the nature of the love it describes. Using Gary Chapman's popular theory of the 5 Love Languages, he explores the transcendent nature of love and how we humans can create a loving relationship with God.
1 hour, 26 min

How Can I Trust God When I Don’t See Him?
When the spies returned and planted the seeds of doubt in the people, it catastrophically led to 40 years of wandering. But how could they turn their backs on God's promise? Why didn’t they trust in God?
14 min

Why Would Anyone Want to Worship Idols?
In this video on Parshat Re’eh, Imu explores what truly motivates people to serve idols and how understanding the human desire for control can help build a more genuine connection with God.
18 min

What Does It Mean To Have Faith
How can we have faith when it seems like darkness is everywhere and we feel utterly alone? This video visits a moment when Miriam the prophetess did not know how the story would end - before her brother was saved, before the Exodus. And teaches us something profound about faith in dark times.
Part 1 of 2 • 12 min

What Does It Mean to Be Created in the Image of God?
In Vayakhel, the Tabernacle and Shabbat are juxtaposed, which leads our Sages to explore the idea of refraining from work. But what is the actual connection between the Tabernacle and Shabbat? Rabbi Fohrman reexamines the creation story and the first day of rest in search of an answer.
11 min

Does God Care About ME?
In Parshat Yitro, we just witnessed some majorly epic events: the ten plagues, the splitting of the sea and we're about to witness the ultimate epic event – God's revelation at Sinai. But smack in the middle of all of this awesomeness, we're introduced to Yitro, Moses' father-in-law. What is this doing here?! Join us as we explore the real meaning of revelation: maybe truly knowing God is not just a matter of a national relationship, but most importantly, a personal one.
12 min

Can We Truly Walk Closely With God?
In Leviticus, the Torah suggests to us that if we follow God's will, we will be rewarded with walking with God – with the same language as the Garden of Eden. Rabbi Fohrman speaks this week about the loving, joyful moment of togetherness with God.
9 min

Can I Be Vulnerable With God?
We've finally started traveling in the desert. . . and the people immediately complain? Did they suddenly forget that they had just been so close with God?? And how can we understand, and relate, to this seemingly ungrateful, chutzpadik nation?
13 min

How The Israelites' Relationship With God Was Restored
In Parshat Chukat, we get even more complaining from Israel – this time, about the lack of water. How can they continue to complain after everything God had done for them? Join us as we explore the baffling story of Israel’s complaints – and how the next generation finally begin to restore their relationship with God.
13 min

Understanding The Story Of Korach
We’ve seen Israel complain over and over, but never before have they tried to undermine and dispose of their leaders. Join us as we make sense of the story of Korach’s shocking complaints on the Parsha Experiment, and explore how vulnerability is required to connect with God.
14 min