How the Bible Defines Humility: The Example of the Most Humble Man on Earth | Aleph Beta

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What Does Humility Really Mean?

The Bible’s Definition Of Humility

What do you picture when you think of someone who's humble? Is it someone who stands up to bullies and hoodlums? Someone who faces off against evil tyrants? Someone who stands his moral ground - even, seemingly, against God Himself? Probably not. Someone like that is brave, heroic, and full of integrity. But humble? That's not the word I would use...

And yet, the Torah tells us that Moses was more humble than anyone else on Earth. Moses, who stood up to Egyptian taskmasters, who took on Pharaoh, who argued with God to save the Israelite people. How exactly is that humble?

Join Rabbi Fohrman as he tries to resolve this seeming contradiction by examining a story that seems to test Moses' humility. A deeper understanding of this story may just lead us to a deeper understanding of humility – and the true greatness of Moses.

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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