God’s Role in Our Lives

Why Does God Let Us Suffer?
If God loves us, why does God let bad things happen to us? This question may be impossible to answer, but on Tisha b’Av it’s just as impossible to ignore.
Part 1 of 6 • 11 min

Why Did God Create Me?
It’s one of life’s biggest questions. A surprising verse in Parshat Bereishit may hold the key to uncovering our true purpose.
12 min

What Is The Meaning Of Life?
The most fundamental question we all want to answer is this one: What is the meaning or purpose of our lives? Rabbi Fohrman argues that the answer lies at the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis.
Part 1 of 7 • 34 min

Why Does The Omnipotent God Need To Rest?
At the end of the story of creation, the Torah makes a big deal of telling us that God rested. Have you ever wondered why God needed to rest? Sure, creating the world in six days was a lot of work, but that’s not going to tire out an omnipotent God!! And it is not just God’s rest that is puzzling. The Torah commands us to celebrate Shabbat every week to commemorate God’s creation of the world. But how do we actually celebrate it? We rest, just as God did on the seventh day. Apparently, we are really commemorating not the creation, but God’s rest that followed it. Somehow, it seems, this rest was even more important than the creation itself. How is that possible? In this course Rabbi Fohrman uncovers what true rest really means and just why it is so important. He explains why God needed to rest and how we are meant to incorporate this kind of rest into our Sabbaths and into our lives.
Part 1 of 4 • 8 min

Does God Literally Dwell Among Us?
How does God, the infinite, exist in this world of finite? In this lecture series, we consider our perspective of God in this world based on the physical make-up of the Temple. Does God still dwell among us today?
Part 1 of 3 • 5 min

Does God Feel Emotions?
We often talk about God's love for us, but does God really have emotions? In this week's parsha, Rabbi Fohrman explores an odd midrash about God's names and explains how incredible and inscrutable God's love is.
12 min
Will God Always Forgive Me?
Is there ever a point of no return in my relationship with God? In Parshat Ki Tisa, Moses explores this exact question as he bargains with God on behalf of the nation after the Sin of the Golden Calf. How is it possible that this lawyering session could possibly change God's mind after such an atrocious sin? What could this mean for me and my relationship with God?
13 min

How Can We Relate to a Vengeful God?
In Numbers, God seems so angry and cruel dooming Israel to die in the desert. But by carefully examining the book, Rabbi David reveals a more nuanced view of God's love and justice.
18 min
Torah and the Challenges of Modernity

Why Does Man "Acquire" Woman?
Why do the Rabbis call marriage an “acquisition”? It seems so primitive and backwards. Does the Torah really think that married women are just the property of their husbands? But what if we’ve got it all wrong? What if “acquisition” isn’t about ownership at all? A closer look at Bereishit can help us understand the deeper relevance for us today.
9 min

Shelo Asani Ishah: Why Thank God For Not Being A Woman?
Does it make you uncomfortable that every day, Jewish men thank God for not making them women? Watch this video to learn how the blessing may not mean what you think it does.
11 min

Why Aren’t Dinosaurs Mentioned In The Torah?
How could the Torah leave out such a big part of history? Does it mean Torah and science are at odds? The answer lies in how we read the Torah.
8 min

Do the Big Bang and Torah Conflict?
In this week’s parsha video, Rabbi Fohrman examines one of God’s names and reveals how the Rabbis suggest the Big Bang theory can coexist with belief in God as the Creator.
12 min

How Can We Respond to the Charges of Biblical Criticism?
The Documentary Hypothesis claims that the Torah is a compilation of many manuscripts with several authors. In this Q&A from a lecture, Rabbi Fohrman explores how the Torah’s structure—its chiasms and intertextual parallels—demonstrates its singular authorship. For more on this, take a look at A Tale of Two Names: Elokim and YHVH, a dynamic audio lectures series with Rabbi Fohrman that delves into Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 and demonstrates how these two texts are proof of how the Torah is a unified book with one author - God.
32 min

Is Vegetarianism A Jewish Value?
Does vegetarianism have a source in the Torah? What would the Torah say about our current method of consuming meat? Beth explores these questions and more.
17 min
Making Sense of Difficult Stories and Laws

Why Does the Torah Contain Laws That Seem to Promote Slavery?
Do these laws reflect outdated values? This video explores how the laws of female servitude may contain a message with lasting relevance.
9 min

How Are We Supposed to Understand Akeidat Yitzchak/Child Sacrifice?
This lecture series tackles the Akeidah, a shocking narrative in which Abraham is ordered to sacrifice Isaac. But how are we supposed to make sense of this story that seems to pit obedience to God against our most basic sense of morality?
Part 1 of 7 • 48 min

Who Would Want to Worship Avodah Zarah?
Tanakh is filled with warnings to not worship idols, but it seems like a temptation no one faces today. So are these laws just irrelevant?
22 min

Why Would Giving Birth Make a Mother Impure?
Is there anything more pure than the birth of a new baby? Well, the Torah seems to think so. Because apparently, giving birth makes a mother ritually impure. Confused? Join Ami as he untangles this strange set of laws.
Part 1 of 2 • 17 min

How Can We Make Sense of the Laws of Impurity?
In Parshat Tazria, we are introduced to the concepts of Tumah and Tahara. Some translate them as cleanliness and uncleanliness, some say ritual purity and impurity, but we never seem to get a clear and relevant understanding of what they actually are. Join us in Part I of this quest as we begin to tackle both what Tumah and Tahara are, and how these new definitions can truly impact our lives today.
Part 1 of 2 • 11 min

Should We Be Attributing Reasons to Mitzvot?
Can we know what God wants from us, or should our only motivation be that God says so? In this episode of Meaningful Judaism, we explore the complexities of understanding the purpose behind mitzvot and why that quest for meaning is essential.
39 min

Why Does God Want us to Perform Animal Sacrifices?
Using sacrifices as a way to connect with God seems alien. How are we supposed to connect with the myriad of details associated with animal sacrifice in the modern day? Join Rabbi Fohrman as he explores this fundamental question by reexamining the three categories of sacrifice, and discover how the ancient tradition creates a modern framework for how to connect with God.
13 min

Are Kohanim and Levites More Important Than the Rest of the Nation?
In this video, Imu and Daniel explore how the census in Bamidbar reveals the Levites' unique role in transmitting the nation's core values.
14 min

Erasing Amalek...Today?
Is the Torah’s command a call for genocide? Ami Silver explores unexpected connections to Yibum, revealing how this mitzvah remains relevant today.
15 min

How Should We Understand the Disturbing Curses in Deuteronomy?
The curses in Parshat Ki Tavo seem so sadistic and cruel. What are we meant to learn from these troubling verses?
Part 1 of 2 • 15 min
God and the Jewish Journey

Why Did God Permit The Israelites To Become Slaves?
The Exodus story is gripping, emotional, and exciting. But...isn't it also deeply theologically troubling? God freed us from slavery, yes - but why did God allow the Israelites to become enslaved in the first place? Why not skip the whole slavery part, and go straight to the happy ending? Join Rabbi Fohrman on the search for answers, and a deeper understanding about how much we have to be thankful for.
Part 1 of 5 • 8 min

Why Did God Choose Israel as His Chosen People?
This multi-part course delves into the challenging concept of chosenness, exploring how Passover reveals our deeper purpose as a people and the unique role Israel plays in God's plan.
Part 1 of 8 • 8 min

What Are the Origins of Antisemitism?
In this lecture series, Rabbi Fohrman delves into the origins of antisemitism, suggesting that it may trace back to the story of Jacob and Esau.
Part 1 of 11 • 1 hour, 23 min

Pesach, The Holocaust, & Beyond: What Can We Expect Of Divine Justice?
The enslavement of the Jewish people in Egypt was brutal. Many were murdered, including innocent children. And although God rescued the Jews in the end, one can't help wonder - was that enough? Is there more to the story than what first meets the eye? Join Rabbi Fohrman as he takes a look at God's full response to the great evil that occurred in Egypt, and sheds light on what divine justice really looks like.
Part 1 of 5 • 20 min

How Do We Relate to Passover Post October 7th?
Children torn from their homes, their kidnappers denying they took them in the first place. Our enemies deny their crimes while hoping to wipe us from the map. Unfortunately this is the reality we’re living in right now. But it was also the reality of the Israelite people over three thousand years ago in Egypt. How do we come to grips with the trauma we’ve endured? Will our pain ever be recognized? This video series is an attempt to draw strength from the tragedies and ultimate victories of our past.
Part 1 of 7 • 14 min
The Role of Oral Law

Why Does Judaism Need The Written Law And Oral Law?
Is there a reason Judaism has two sets of laws? Isn't that confusing? Join Rabbi Fohrman in this deep dive, with your guide, Imu Shalev.
14 min

Why Did the Rabbis Come up With the Holiday of Hanukkah?
If we stop and think about it, is the miracle of the oil such a big deal that it's worth creating a whole new holiday?
33 min

What Links the Biblical and Rabbinic Shavuot Together?
The Torah’s description of an agricultural celebration seems totally disconnected from the rabbinic tradition of the Sinai revelation. In this video, Rabbi Fohrman demonstrates how both aspects are fundamentally intertwined to create one holiday.
Part 1 of 6 • 6 min