Kosher Slaughter (Shechita): Meaning & Process | Aleph Beta

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Is There a Rhyme Or Reason For Ritual Slaughter?

Is There a Rhyme or Reason for Ritual Slaughter?

Is Kosher Slaughter (Shechita) Humane

Did you know that there is more to kosher animals than chewing their cud and having split hooves? If a kosher animal is not slaughtered correctly, it is not considered kosher for consumption. This video will take a closer look at kosher slaughter, in particular the requirement of ‘kisui dam’ covering the blood of the killed animal. Along the way it will explore meaningful questions such as does vegetarianism have a source in the Torah, and what would the Torah say about our current method of consuming meat?

Discover other videos about Kashrut at Aleph Beta, including ‘Why Can't You Cook Milk & Meat Together”, “Kosher Laws In The Torah”. and “What Is The Meaning of Kashrut

Beth Lesch







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