Tisha B’Av Inspiration
Finding Inspiration on Tisha B’Av with Aleph Beta
BY Sarah Rashba | August 1, 2024 | 5 Minute Read

The Challenge of Finding Inspiration on Tisha B'Av
Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, is a day of profound mourning and lamentation for the Jewish people. On this day, we commemorate the devastation experienced by the Jewish people over the centuries, particularly the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. The weight of historical grief, combined with personal reflections of loss, can feel overwhelming. The somber nature of this day makes it challenging to find inspiration. How can we feel inspired when we’re feeling so much pain?
A Source of Tisha B’Av Inspiration
Despite its solemn nature, Tisha B'Av invites us to reflect on historical tragedies and draw lessons for our lives today. Aleph Beta offers a wealth of video and reading materials designed to provide deep insights and Tisha B'Av inspiration during this significant time.
The Historical Context of Tisha B'Av
Understanding the historical events that Tisha B'Av commemorates is essential for inspiring and meaningful observance. These resources provide a rich background to enhance our understanding of this day and offer Tisha B'Av inspiration.
Recommended Resources

How Am I Supposed To Appreciate The Loss Of The Beit HaMikdash?
Video series • Part 1 of 7 • 9 min
It’s one thing to mourn the suffering of actual people, but how are we supposed to feel genuinely sad over the loss of a building?

How The Sin Of The Spies Led To Tisha B’Av
Video series • Part 1 of 6 • 10 min
The Talmudic Sages tell us that the first great tragedy to occur on Tisha B'Av was the sin of the spies in the desert. How can this seemingly unrelated event help us understand the deeper reasons for the Temples’ destruction?

Yochanan Ben Zakkai And Yavneh: The Secret Of Jewish Survival
Video series • Part 1 of 5 • 10 min
How can we feel connected to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple when these tragedies happened thousands of years ago? The answer may lie in understanding what still links us to these past events and how, against all odds, exile didn’t put an end to the Jewish people. This story starts in a place called Yavneh.

The Book of Lamentations (Megillat Eicha)
The Book of Lamentations, written by Jeremiah the prophet, includes scenes that are vividly graphic, and themes that are distressingly clear. But in contrast to the direct - yet tragic - message, the writing is incredibly complex and confusing. What are we to make of this book traditionally read on Tisha B’Av?
Finding Meaning in Our Pain
Tisha B'Av is an important time for deep introspection about the major themes of the day. Aleph Beta’s materials can guide you through your reflections, offering perspectives that encourage resilience and hope for Tisha B'Av inspiration.
Recommended Resources

Mourning: What Death Teaches Us About What It Means to Live
Video • 1 hour, 53 min
How are we supposed to make sense of loss? In this deep dive Premium course, Rabbi Fohrman shares how he has come to understand mourning and loss in the larger context of life, death and living a purposeful life.

Why Does God Let Us Suffer?
Video series • Part 1 of 6 • 11 min
If God loves us, why does God let bad things happen to us? This question may be impossible to answer, but on Tisha b’Av it’s just as impossible to ignore.

Reversing Tisha B’Av: How To Actually Rid Ourselves Of Sinat Chinam
Video series • Part 1 of 5 • 8 min
We sit on the floor, we cry – but sometimes it feels like we’re just going through the motions. Rachel Imenu shows us a deeper way to mourn — that actually changes us, that banishes sinat chinam, baseless hatred, from our hearts.
Lessons on Faith and Redemption
Tisha B'Av, while primarily a day of mourning the Jewish people’s tragedies, also teaches lessons on faith in God and the yearning for the Messiah. Tisha B'Av inspiration comes from looking beyond the painful present to the endless hope of future Redemption (Geulah).
Recommended Resources

The Mysterious Connection Between Mashiach And Tisha B’Av
Video series • Part 1 of 7 • 12 min
A few generations before the destruction of the Temple, there was a king who, the Talmud tells us, could have been the Messiah. How did the Jewish people get so close to redemption, only to end in exile? If we can answer this question, perhaps we can come to understand the power of our own potential and to reshape our destiny.

Struggling With Faith
Video • 10 min
In Parshat Devarim, Moses accuses the nation of Israel of not having faith. What? The people know firsthand about all the miracles God has done for them, how could they not have faith? Drawing on the Maharal, Rabbi Fohrman gives us a novel approach to faith, and challenges us to rise to this level of intimacy with God and with each other.

What Jacob And Joseph Teach Us About Returning Home
Video series • Part 1 of 6 • 8 min
Can mourning bring us closer to redemption? This series dives deep into a connection between Shir Hamaalot (Psalm 126) and the story of Jacob and Joseph to uncover the connection between the depths of grief and unassailable hope.
Aleph Beta provides invaluable resources for finding Tisha B'Av inspiration, ensuring your observance of the day is meaningful, hopeful, and truly inspiring. Browse the entire library of Tisha B’Av videos here.
What is Aleph Beta?
Aleph Beta is a unique kind of Torah library. Led by our founder, Rabbi David Fohrman, we are dedicated to high-level, textual Torah learning for adults that is intellectually and spiritually sophisticated, that enlivens your Jewish practice and helps you forge a deeper connection to God. Whether you’ve been learning in yeshiva for years or you’re just beginning your Torah journey, you’re sure to find something meaningful and surprising waiting for you here.
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