Why Did God Harden Pharaoh's Heart? | Aleph Beta

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Did God Take Away Pharaoh's Free Will?

Why Did God Harden Pharaoh's Heart?

Why did God harden Pharaoh's heart? Wasn't that a violation of Pharaoh's free will? According to the simple meaning of the text, it seems like God took away Pharaoh's free will by influencing his mind.

In this video, we explore the different words used by the Torah, kaved and chazek, to explain the thought process Pharaoh went through when God kept hardening his heart.

Rabbi Fohrman argues that the precise language shows that God still allowed Pharaoh to pursue his vision – and keep his free will intact – even when the vision was in defiance of God.

To explore the ideas in this video further, check out  The Exodus from Egypt: What Does it Mean to be Chosen? It's the video Rabbi Fohrman references at 2:59. Plus, discover other great videos at Aleph Beta, including ‘Did God Allow Slavery?’, ‘The Ten Plagues Explained’, and ‘The Spiritual Meaning of Crossing The Red Sea’.

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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