Why Do We Fast on Asara B'Tevet? | Aleph Beta

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Why Do We Fast On Asara B'Tevet?

What Happened On The 10th of Tevet

Why is the Fast of Asara B'Tevet significant today? The 17th of Tammuz, 10th of Av, and Tzom Gedaliah all commemorate conquest, destruction, exile, the downfall of a kingdom… they're horrible, and of course we mourn those days. But on the 10th of Tevet, we remember when the Babylonian armies surrounded the walls of Jerusalem… and then waited… for two and a half years.

Why do we fast on this day? What happened on the day of Asara B'Tevet, that it's still so important thousands of years later?

Rivky Stern

Executive Producer






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