The Seventh and Fiftieth Years of Shabbatot...Back to Mount Sinai? | Aleph Beta

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Shemittah, Yovel and… Mount Sinai?

Shemittah, Yovel And… Mount Sinai?

This week’s double parsha, Behar-Bechokotai, focuses on the agricultural cycles of Shemittah and Yovel. Strangely enough, the language here carries echoes of some of the themes of last week’s parsha, and even seems to take us all the way back to Mount Sinai. Are these ideas somehow connected? What could the revelation at Sinai have to do with agricultural laws in the land of Israel? Join Rivky Stern and first time co-host Ami Silver as they explore these fascinating connections and the implications for what it means to live together with God in this world.

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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