Aleph Beta Quarantined: Podcast | Aleph Beta | Aleph Beta

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Aleph Beta Quarantined Podcast: An Introduction (Part 1 of 12)

Aleph Beta Quarantined: Podcast

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Every day, every hour, almost every minute, it feels like there is some breaking news about what is happening with COVID 19. Schools are canceled. Synagogues are shutting their doors. Restaurants are closing. We are scared, we are looking into an unknown, and we feel alone and lonely. In this new podcast, Rabbi David Fohrman and Imu Shalev address some of the fears so many of us are facing, and talk about some of the most pressing topics they will address in future episodes. From preparing for Passover, to keeping kids entertained, to helping us deal with our own mental health and anxiety, we will try to deal with it all, with love, compassion, and community. Come join us.

Aleph Beta is doing everything we can to be here for you through these difficult times. If you believe in what we’re doing, it would mean the world to have your support. Please consider upgrading your account or joining our Producers Circle. Of course, if a donation isn’t something you can do right now, don’t think twice about it. The most important thing is for all of us to stay connected and keep our community strong.

For more on Torah and Jewish wisdom on being quarantined during COVID-19, make sure to check out all our resources at Aleph Beta Quarantine!

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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