Tamei: What Does Childbirth Have In Common With Leprosy? | Aleph Beta

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What Does Childbirth Have In Common With Leprosy?

What Does Childbirth Have In Common With Leprosy?

In this double parsha podcast, Tazria-Metzora, we learn about two different ways that one can became “tamei,” spiritually impure: By giving birth to a child and by contracting leprosy. I bet you never expected to see those two things on a list together! How do these radically different ways of becoming "tamei" actually connect? Are we meant to believe that the miracle of childbirth is similar to a plague of deformity? What could childbirth possibly have to do with developing a rash?

Join Rabbi Fohrman and Imu as they reexamine the text of these parshas, and find thematic connections to explain how these strange laws are actually connected. Once you explore the deeper meaning behind these ancient laws of impurity, you'll never think of "tamei" the same way again.

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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