Why Make a Golden Calf? Understanding the Symbolism | Aleph Beta

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Why Would Anyone Want To Make A Golden Calf?

Why Would Anyone Want To Make A Golden Calf?

We learn in Parshat Ki Tisa about the infamous sin the Israelite’s committed by making the Golden Calf. But there’s something very unclear about this story — why would the Israelites' want to build a Golden Calf? It's not like people today want to build and pray to idols, so why would the Israelites?

Join Rabbi Fohrman and Imu as they explore the text of the Golden Calf and debate the real reason the people wanted to make a new “godly” figure from a calf of gold. You’ll never think of the sin of the Golden Calf the same way again.

For more information on the Israelites' sin, check out Rabbi Fohrman’s course on the Golden Calf.

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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