Yom Kippur Rituals & Symbols | Aleph Beta

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The Day of Atonement

Understanding The Day Of Atonement Rituals

What comes to mind when you think of Yom Kippur rituals? Yom Kippur is all about seeking atonement, but nowadays, we accomplish that through prayer and sitting in synagogue all day. But back when the Temple still stood, Yom Kippur customs involved goats and lotteries and sacrifices and sprinkling blood and incense and clouds. How do those weird Yom Kippur rituals atone for our sins? It sounds magical… and irrational. What meaning hides behind these ancient traditions that we can apply to our holy Day of Atonement today?

In this video, we explore these strange Yom Kippur customs to understand how we can atone for our sins. Through this inspection, we deepen our understanding of what the Day of Atonement really means.

Immanuel Shalev







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