Jacob's Deceit of Isaac and Esau: The Consequences | Aleph Beta

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Consequences Of Jacob's Deceit

Why Did Jacob Cry When He Kissed Rachel?

In Parshat Vayeitzei, Jacob runs away to his Uncle Lavan’s house after having deceived his father Isaac and stolen his brother Esau's blessing. He marries Rachel and Leah, has 12 kids, and becomes a prosperous shepherd. Things seem to be going very well for Jacob.

But that leaves us to wonder: was it okay what Jacob did – impersonating Esau, tricking Isaac? It doesn’t seem that Jacob has to face any consequences for his deceit of Isaac and Esau. Or does he?

In tiny hints, all over Parshat Vayeitzei, the biblical text continuously points us back to the story of the deception of Isaac – seeming to imply that Jacob can't escape the effects of his actions. Join Rabbi Fohrman as he discovers these hints, and find out what it all means.

Rabbi David Fohrman

Founder and Lead Scholar






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